Student Author: Alexia M.

It’s almost that time of year again, the smell of popcorn in the air, the sound of the buzzer indicating half time, the crowd cheering and getting into the spirit. That’s right, get ready to “hoop” into basketball season because the games are about to begin!
Putnam County will be hosting the first basketball event, a Varsity Basketball Jamboree, which will take place on Saturday, November 16th in the Putnam County High School gym. Teams that will be attending are Brashear, Mercer and Schuyler! Concession stands will be open and run by SADD members this Saturday and will be serving your favorite foods to pump you up to watch the Jamboree, which is expected to be thrilling.
As of right now, the first Varsity game is scheduled for November 22, but could be postponed. Make sure to attend their games to support your peers and cheer on your Putnam County Midgets!